Sunday, April 18, 2010

Brainstorming some keywords and the play on light within a room.

Perhaps a bunker is still a bit eerie and needs more positive ambiance feel in the room, after all, the room is highly lit up by the morning sun. I proceeded with a lookout/tower option discovering room layout, geometry and some light movement.

Following my first stab at the narrative I realised that such words lead me to very depressing architecture, not that it's a bad thing, but soon found out that depressing themes are hard to come up with ideas for. Maybe the woman is not disturbed at all and just needs to find her inner-peace. Creating a bunker or an underground shelter (within a cliff) may perhaps become a better solution..... it didn't.
-Which brought me to my second attempt at the narrative:
"An isolated shelter for a hopelessly lonely model." <<< Model was brought in due to her physique. An ideally shaped body and a make-up painted face.

The initial idea derived from the picture's surrounding; an eerie, semi-dark feel of the room. Applying different light movements and shading developed into a balance of contrast, similarly to the painting. The cube symbolises her room, while the spiral symbolised her misery and failure.
-Which brought me to my first attempt at the narrative:
"A remote lookout for a hopelessly [disturbed] lonely woman." <<< (disturbed later changed to hopeless due to its uncomfortable feel).

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